
Una iglesia en Cataluña se vuelve un lugar de peregrinaje artístico

Share Tweet WhatsApp Email Continue reading the main story Foto Una imagen del interior de Sant VĂ­ctor mientras se prepara para reabrirse al pĂşblico despuĂ©s de tres años. En esta secciĂłn, arriba del altar, el muralista Santi Moix incluyĂł versos del poeta catalán Josep Vicenç Foix.  Credit Ricardo Labougle Read in English De niño, Santi Moix —el pintor nacido en Barcelona— a menudo hacĂ­a viajes de fin de semana con su padre a SaurĂ­, una remota aldea catalana de diecisĂ©is personas que está en lo alto de los Pirineos. Ahora, a los 57 años, Moix quizá es lo más cercano que SaurĂ­ tiene a una celebridad local, despuĂ©s de haberse hecho de una carrera exponiendo sus obras en el Museo Brooklyn, en la GalerĂ­a M77 y en la tienda de Prada en el barrio de SoHo en Nueva York  (un encargo de 2013) que incluyen sus murales de flora y fauna, abstractos e hipersaturados. Hace cinco años, el gobierno local y el obispo le preguntaron al artista si podĂ­a venir a p

The house of Orpheus

       MOROCCO             VOLUBILIS                        The house of Orpheus    The house of Orpheus is the only large and upper class house located in the south neighborhood characterized by small houses.It takes its name from the mosaic depicting Orpheus playing the lyre in the center,and animals charmed by his music and surrcounding him. Frond door of the house The back of the house

Production of olive and olive oil

        MOROCCO          VOLUBILIS       Production of olive and olive oil Olive oil for the volubilis region is considered the finest. Until now, the Volubilis area is the number 1 in terms of taste of olive oil This olive oil press from the Roman era. Operated by two slaves Model of olive oil squeezing machine

It is still as it was 2000 years ago

  VOLUBILIS    MOROCCO  HISTORICAL MONUMENTS ROMAIN It is still as it was 2000 years ago.                                                    LAMPS BRONZE                                                                                                                     

Dedication to Emperor Severus Alexander

               MOROCCO  VOLUBILIS             Dedication to Emperor Severus Alexander   Emperor Severus Alexander                 Base Statue reused the fountain of furum. Discovered in 1935. Limestone. Dedication to Emperor Severus Alexander by order of City Council of Volubilis. Between 11 March and 9 December 272.                              

Dedication to the Emperor Septimus Severus

            MOROCCO VOLUBILIS          Dedication to the Emperor Septimus Severus .        Emperor Septimus Severus                   Fragment of a large inscription found under the portico north of the forum . Between 1 January and 9 December 202 . Limestone . First line hammered the name of Emperor Geta  And his relationship with Emperor Septimus Severus  And with Emperor Caracalla .                                                                                     Emperor Caracalla                         Emperor Geta

Preparing bread for an old method

                               MOROCCO                               Preparing bread for an old method  Collect the cow dung and paste on the      wall,until dry .then use fuel inside the oven.                                        

Of ancient walls in the city of Fes

     MOROCCO  THE CITY OF FEZ The ancient walls of the city of fez  The first city established after the  city  of Volubilis  and mountain of zerhoune 

Wild Figs

              MOROCCO             This is wild fig. Summer fruit.

House of the bathing

  MOROCCO     VOLUBILIS    HOUSE OF THE BATHING NYMPHES  This house is called so due to the mosaic representing Diana , the goddess of the Hunt , bathing with nymphes . The same mosaic ornates one of rooms in the house called the house of Venus in Volubilis .

House of the rider

  MOROCCO     VOLUBILIS   HOUSE OF THE  RIDER  The house oWest it'seems name to the discovery in 1918 of a bronze rider . The house plan presents a quadrilateral form , it is of 1700 square metres and hos a pĂ©ristyle at the center , with some outbuildings  ( exedra , triclinium ..........   )

Site of volubilis

MOROCCO   VOLUBILIS   Archaeological site of Volubilis 40 AD : Annexation of western  Mauritania  ( including Volubilis ) to the  Romanian Empire , with Tingi ( Tangier ) as  capital . Towards 44 : Volubilis receives from  the Emperor CLAUDIUS   the statue of Roman municipality . Towards   50 - 100 : Open of large construction sites of the new Town : northeast quarter ,  thermal baths of the North , aqueduct   etc ............  168 -  169 :  During the reign of Emperor MARCUS AURELIUS , the city and endowed with a vast enclosure with nine doors and after forty towers .   216 -  217 :  Dedication of the triumphal arch to CARACALLA   and his mother  JULIA . 217 :  Completion of  the construction of the Capitol , the basilica and the curia  . Towards   255 : The imperial authorities evacuat the city of Volubilis and all the zone to the south of the loukkos .

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